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Catena Institute joins SWR Bottle Weight Accord

Published:  11 October, 2024

The Catena Institute of Wine has officially joined the SWR Bottle Weight Accord, reaffirming its sustainability commitment as a founding member of the Sustainable Wine Roundtable (SWR). The institute’s efforts include light-weighting bottles and tackling the misconception that heavier bottles signify higher quality.


Liberty report: Reversal of off/on-trade trends buffers hospitality recovery

Published:  03 November, 2021

Liberty Wines’ latest report has noted the positive effect of the reversal of the trends from the on to the off-trade over the course of the pandemic, with the growth in popularity of independent wine retailers during lockdown and an overall move towards experimentation feeding back into the on-trade and helping to boost sales.


Jancis Robinson publishes major list of indie wine retailers delivering to self-isolators

Published:  19 March, 2020

Jancis Robinson MW has published a major list of independent wine retailers that are keeping lines of sales and delivery open amid the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak.


“Bump in the road” predicted for imports of Oz wine

Published:  12 December, 2017

Retailers in the UK are being warned to take care when it comes to securing supply of Australian wine as increased competition from China and the US places pressure on exports.